Gail recaps the ceremony and discusses her favorite basketball memories with Natalie Heavren
Natalie and executive producer Brenda VanLengen discuss the upcoming project that explores the history of women’s basketball
‘It didn’t just happen that all of a sudden, girls could play in front of TV cameras and have 10 million people watch them in the final’
Elizabeth Galloway-McQuitter from Legends of the Ball spoke about the importance of knowing the history of the game — WBL and Title IX
‘I understand my role was to keep pushing the game forward’
Jones-McKenney’s story reads like a myth, but she is a legend
Thomas blazed a trail uniquely her own, propping the door open for women in three arenas where the door is too frequently closed
Natalie and Anita Ortega discuss how she got started playing basketball and her time at UCLA — the San Francisco Pioneers
‘She was a quiet [icon]. She led by example. And she always cared for other people’
The legendary Nancy Lieberman joins Natalie Heavren to talk Old Dominion, Title IX and the early stages of professional women’s basketball.