Plus, Brittney Sykes’ 3-point shooting and a WNBA draft lottery update
Diggins-Smith: ‘I haven’t painted my masterpiece … but I definitely feel more settled in’
Official announcement of Portland as WNBA’s latest expansion team is expected on Sept. 10
Chloe Peterson: ‘I see a lot of people comparing Angel and Caitlin head-to-head, and I don’t think that’s fair’
‘It’s a huge sisterhood’
‘I never thought I would see charter flights in my career’
Legendary Seattle Storm player has her legacy immortalized
Latricia Trammell: ‘She’s just that unicorn … she’s going to have to play multiple positions for us’
‘She’s in her groove and her element’
Natasha Cloud: ‘That shit don’t mean anything when we’re not winning.’